Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf — Disassembly
- Overview of code layout
- Utility code
- Linked list management
- Dynamic memory allocation
- Major subsystems:
- EA Logo
- Title screen
- Cutscene display
- Menu system
- Control setup
- Copilot selection
- Scoring and password entry
- Data loading
- Text formats
- Graphics formats
- Dynamic art loading/unloading
- World definition
- Terrain and grid system
- Entities
- Buildings
- Spawns
- Alert zones
- Objective types and counters
- World display and gameplay
- Viewport management and terrain streaming
- Entity/building updates and spawning
- Collision detection and response
- Objective tracking and in-level events
- In-level cutscenes and intelligence info
- Pause screen
- Map and entity/building plotting
- Info window graphics and text
- Objective progression display